NPR's Three-Minute Fiction is getting ready to launch Round 7 soon. They prompted would-be contestants to warm up their writing skills by writing a short story (420 characters or less, ) that included the words "three", "minute", and "fiction". Here is my attempt, although I think I went over the character limit a little.
"Down in the meadow in an itty bitty pool swam three little fishies and a mama fishy, too." Her singing had never sounded so sweet, accompanied by splashes and giggles from the tub. Happiness can do that - turn an ordinary voice into something special, like a magic spell in a science fiction story.
His mind drifted back to that time in the parking lot when she pulled her guitar out of the back of the little red pickup and played and sang to him for the first time. Her voice wavered a bit. She stumbled over a chord. All he remembers is that she sounded beautiful. Like now.
He would go tell her the news. But not yet. In a minute.
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